Ultimate Bliss Global Movement for Intrinsic Richness of Life

Ultimate Bliss Global Movement for Intrinsic Richness of Life

What is Intrinsic Richness?

When the quality of our Consciousness and our Mind is very refined, rich, calm and blissful, it is intrinsic richness. It’s the intrinsic richness which makes our life qualitative and blissful.

Components of Intrinsic Richness

Following are the things that constitute Intrinsic Richness:

  • Skills, Knowledge and Intelligence
  • Ability to understand and enjoy subtle aesthetics like art, fine music, literature, poetry, philosophy, spirituality etc.
  • Wisdom
  • Love, Kindness, Empathy, Generosity, Compassion
  • Mindfulness, Awareness
  • Blissfulness

Advantages of Intrinsic Richness

Following are the advantages of Intrinsic Richness:

  • Brings long lasting true happiness of very refined quality in life
  • Makes one free from ego and attachment
  • Brings freedom in life
  • It unites Humanity
  • It always remains with life and carry forward to even next life.

People give you true love and respect only when you are intrinsically rich.

To understand Extrinsic Richness and Intrinsic Richness properly, please, watch a video of Swami Aaron on YouTube. Following are the title and link of the video:

Are you really rich in spite of your all wealth, power and fame?


Let us all come forward and be the part of Ultimate Bliss Global Movement for Intrinsic Richness of Lifein order to improve the quality of life on our beautiful planet.


  1. You can write and share here as what new things you have been learning or doing to enhance the intrinsic richness in your life.
  2. You can write and share here as what positive changes you have been experiencing in your consciousness.

For further details, please Call at +91 8590585844 or +91 9811131102
and also fill-up the following form: