When our Consciousness is low, we are operated
with by ego and the perception of fractional existence. Ego means the wrong
perception of being different from others.
It is the Ego, the perception of being different from others creates all divisions,
hatred, violence, jealousy, bloodshed and in fact all the problems in a society. Ego
itself is due to low consciousness. So, the root cause of all problems in life is
the low consciousness.
But the ultimate truth is that this whole Cosmos is
one unified reality. But we can realize this Ultimate Truth only when we are in high
Whenever we do good to others, we move towards this Ultimate
Truth of Oneness. Only this true realisation of Oneness can save the humanity from
being extinct. So, let us all be the part of the
Ultimate Bliss Global Oneness
Movement by doing something good for others every day.
For further
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